
Monday, March 10, 2014

Nature Journal Topper Printable - Getting Started

This month in the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter I created a brand new printable for helping your children start working in their very own nature journal.

The printable Nature Journal Toppers are a simple way to help a child get over the "blank page" fear by providing a simple prompt.

What is a Nature Journal Topper?
The prompts in the Nature Journal Topper will allow them to cut and then adhere a short nature study idea to the top of any page, then complete the suggestion in their own way. Sometimes the page will include a suggestion for a sketch, a photo, a list, or an observation.

I chose to start with the spring tree Nature Journal Toppers as well as the list prompt provided in the March 2014 newsletter. Allow your child to create a page that fits their style. I used watercolors to paint a background on my page but that is my personal style. I will fill in the page as the month goes by.

Your child can complete as many of the prompts each month as they wish. I am hoping that these Nature Journal Toppers will give you family a little help in encouraging even the most reluctant nature journaler.

I will be including this feature in the up-coming editions of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter. Some families really enjoy the nature study grids from the newsletter so we may go back to those in the future.

I would enjoy hearing how using the Nature Journal Toppers help your family...leave me a comment or you can share with the OHC Blog Carnival. 

 Nature Study Bundle Button


  1. Thank you for sharing the journal toppers. I have had every intention of doing nature study with my children but always put it off (I even bought your getting started ebook and never used it). This printable inspired me to make it happen. We started with weather observation.

  2. Christine-
    Yeah! So glad it helped you get started...just keep offering them and see how it goes.

  3. My newsletter and this blog entry does not include a link or the option to print the Toppers.

  4. Nikki-
    If you received the newsletter link to download in your email subscription, you have the topper in the newsletter to print.

    Not sure why you don't have it if you have the newsletter.
