
Friday, March 7, 2014

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Winter Birds

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
This week take some time to observe your neighborhood birds and document in your nature journal a bird you have noticed during the winter at your birdfeeder or in your yard. This is such an enjoyable nature study topic for the whole family. View from your window if you need to and use some of the ideas in the following challenges:

Winter Bird Study from Winter Wednesday - see this post for ideas to use without the Discover Nature in Winter book.
Winter Bird Challenge-focus some of your time on learning about bird migration using a field guide with migration maps
Bird Nature Journal Ideas - use some of these ideas to record your birds in your nature journal
    Bird Themed Nature Table Ideas:
    Use some of the ideas in this printable to find items for your children to have access to on your family's nature table.

    Bird Themed Nature Table Printable

    Getting Started Suggestion:
    If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #5. Use the ideas in this challenge to start or continue your family's list of birds observed. If you have the ebook, there is a printable notebook page in the back to keep track of your Running List.

    Blog Logo 1
    OHC Blog Carnival
    You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 3/30/14.

    Nature Study Bundle Button


    1. I love your blog and find the materials to be a great resource. It is one of the best nature resources I've found.
      One thing I did want to mention was concerning the Bird Nature Table ideas. In my state, it is against the law to possess bird feathers or nests of most birds. Others may want to check into their own state laws and just be aware of this issue.

    2. We only collect in our own yard and eventually the items make their way back outside after we look at them, enjoy their beauty, and then change out what we have on the table. :)
