
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Channel Islands National Park - Tips and Images

This month I will be sharing another of the Western United States' National Parks. The Channel Islands National Park is one many are not aware of and no little about its beauties.

Channel Islands National Park - link to the official website. There are many things to do if you visit this national park like hiking, camping, kayaking, whale watching, diving, and learning more about the plants and animals that make their home here.

Our family visited in 2008 as part of a trip to the coast of California. We stayed a couple nights in Santa Barbara and then went down to Ventura where we could catch a ferry boat to the Channel Islands. On the mainland in Ventura, California there is a Visitor's Center that has telescopes where you can look out over to the islands but not much else.

For the rest of the back to an archived entry to see super images and lots of details.

Channel Islands National Park
You can read more in this series of posts to learn more about specific national parks:

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Redwoods National Park

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